Call For Papers/征稿主题
Call For Papers/征稿主题
2019 3rd International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System (ICTETS 2019) aims to provide a high-level international conference for researchers, engineers and scientists to present the new advances and research results in the fields of traffic engineering and transportation system research.
I. Traffic Engineering 交通工程
1)Theory and applications of traffic engineering | 1)交通工程理论与应用 |
2) Traffic control and information technology | 2)交通管制和信息技术 |
3)Transportation and socioeconomic development | 3)交通和社会经济发展 |
4)Transportation security, environmental protection, and sustainable development | 4)交通安全、环境保护和可持续发展
5)Urban public transportation planning and management, high-speed railway planning, construction and operation organization | 5)城市公共交通规划管理和高速铁路规划、建设、运营组织 |
6)Transportation Safety | 6)运输安全 |
7)Transportation Planning | 7)交通规划 |
8)Air Transportation | 8)航空运输 |
9) Marine Transportation | 9)海运 |
10)Metropolitan Transportation | 10)都市运输 |
11)Freight Transportation | 11)货运 |
12)Energy Saving and Alternative Energy | 12)节能和替代能源 |
13)Automotive Exhaust Treatment and Environment Protection Technologies | 13)汽车尾气处理及环保技术 |
14)Transportation Infrastructure (Pavement, Bridge) | 14)交通基础设施(路面、桥梁) |
15)Highway Maintenance and Management | 15)公路养护管理 |
16)Transportation Management, Economics and Policy | 16)交通管理,经济和政策 |
17)Vehicle Engineering and operations | 17)车辆工程与操作 |
18)Water Transportation | 18)水路运输 |
II. Transportation system and supply chain交通运输系统
19)Rail and Transit Systems | 19)铁路和运输系统 |
20)Cooperative Techniques and Systems | 20)合作技术和系统 |
21)Electric Vehicle Transportation Systems | 21)电动汽车运输系统 |
22)Electronic Payment Systems | 22)电子支付系统 |
23)Driver and Traveler Support Systems | 23)驾驶者、乘客支持系统 |
24)Security and Monitoring Systems | 24)安保和检测系统 |
25)Transportation planning and system optimization | 25)运输规划和系统优化 |
26)Intelligent Transportation Systems | 26)智能交通系统 |
27)Emergency Response Systems and Technologies | 27)应急响应系统和技术 |
28)Systems of supply chain performance measurement | 28)供应链绩效测量系统 |
29)Controlling methods for supply chains | 29)供应链的控制方法 |
30)Innovative IT systems as performance drivers (SOA etc.) | 30)创新IT系统作为性能驱动程序(SOA等) |
31)Benefit allocation of IT-based performance drivers among supply chain partners | 31)供应链伙伴之间基于IT的绩效驱动因素的利益分配 |
32)Agent-based simulation/other simulation approaches | 32)基于代理的仿真/其他仿真方法 |
33)Quantitative and qualitative performance measures | 33)定量/定性性能测量 |
34)Efficiency of profit and risk sharing in supply chain networks | 34)供应链网络中利润和风险分担的效率 |
35)Performance of suppliers and service providers | 35)供应商和服务供应商业绩
36)Performance aspects of logistics node design | 36)物流节点设计
37)Interrelationships between management methods and supply chain performance | 37)管理方法与供应链绩效之间的相互关系 |
38)Measurement of soft factors in supply chains | 38)供应链软因素的度量 |
39)Radio frequency identification (RFID) as supply chain performance driver | 39)射频识别(RFID)作为供应链性能驱动 |
40)Performance-focused analysis of interorganizational business relations | 40)组织间业务关系的绩效分析 |
41)Performance effects of infrastructure management | 41)基础设施管理的性能影响 |
42)Sustainability and supply chain performance | 42)可持续性和供应链绩效 |
43)Innovative concepts for modelling, simulation and optimization of transportation networks | 43)交通网络建模、仿真和优化的创新概念 |
44)Managing logistics service quality | 44)管理物流服务质素 |
45)Development of key performance indicators (KPI) for supply chains | 45)为供应链制定关键绩效指标(KPI) |
46)Risk Management and SC Performance | 46)风险管理和供应链绩效 |
47)Financial and non-financial performance measurement | 47)财务和非财务绩效评估 |
48)Implications of bottlenecks for supply chain performance | 48)瓶颈对供应链绩效的影响 |
49)Effects of complexity on supply chain performance | 49)复杂性对供应链绩效的影响 |